Aichun Beauty Anti-Acne Cream 20g
- This cream effectively treats pimples, comedones & acnes caused by oily skin or clogged pores due to dirt, improves inflammation in the acned areas and surrounding skin, gradually fades acne, reduces acne scars and shrinks pores, leaving the skin healthy & delicate .
- Men & ladies aged 16-40, this problems including whelk, acne, speckle, acne with purulence, dark boils, scar of acne, red nose, folliculitis, pore helminth and acarid, prevent acne to spreading and reduce rebounding
- Applicability : For different types of skin, especially for acned skin .
- Usage : After facial cleansing, apply a small amount of the Anti - acne Cream to your skin with pimples, comedones & acnes and the surrounding inflamed areas . Use daily morning and evening after facial cleansing .